Man looking at scenery - sober living for mental health

You have committed to the journey of recovery by joining a program that allows sober living for mental health. This is a good start, but so too is the commitment to regain happiness and control over your life. If your mental health is not tended to, it can make it arduous to balance other responsibilities and tasks in your life, especially when your intentions of recovering are on the line. The only way to incite meaningful change in your life is to take action, and at Surfside Structured Sober Living, this is one of the many points we drive home with our patients. To start off 2022 on a positive note, we’ve put together a list of 3 tasks that can drastically improve the state of your mental health. Set some goals and work these into your daily routine. The results may surprise you!

Start Journaling

Journaling is a great way to document your feelings, goals, inspirations, and your overall outlook on life. There is no right or wrong way to journal. You might journal to keep track of your progress in a structured program that emphasizes sober living for mental health. Or you might write down what you are grateful for and what needs to improve in your life. The point is it can add some much-needed structure to your daily routine and even help you grow as a person. It will also be easier to recognize triggering environments and behaviors and how to better manage them.

Surround Yourself With A Valuable Support System

It goes without saying, but individuals who have a strong support system will have an easier time maintaining their physical and mental health, compared to those who don’t. We all need someone to be a pillar of strength for us. Whether it’s a parent, sibling, or best friend, the constant support can augment your feeling of self-worth and that you belong. It will also give those who are struggling the opportunity to share positive experiences with those who genuinely care. 

Carve out time in your daily schedule to be with these people. Share a meal, go for a walk. Be vulnerable in sharing your struggles so that this person can better understand how to help you. In addition to your immediate support system, the people you meet in the structured sober living community, whether they’re current members or alumni, can grow together as a unit, since they are enduring many of the same struggles as you. Much of the Surfside alumni are local to the area– so additional help and guidance is within your reach!

Be Physically Active

Surfside’s program emphasizes sober living for mental health. We all know that being physically active can vastly improve your physical health. It is a huge confidence booster, it can help regulate your sleep, and it positively shifts the perception of your self-image. It’s also cathartic in addressing a variety of mental health challenges. Studies have shown that maintaining an exercise schedule can prevent you from relapsing! Exercise as a whole is valuable for warding off depression. That is why a cornerstone element of our programs is physical fitness and getting into the gym as well as out in nature for hiking, surfing, rock climbing, you name it! Let’s not forget Mount Surfside as well.

It’s inciting all kinds of changes in our brains. This includes neural growth, cutting down on inflammation, and activity patterns that contribute to feeling Zen and centered. Last but not least, exercise serves as a distraction to our daily stressors. It can free us from the confines of our minds, and this energy can be channeled into a positive outlet. Start off small with your workouts, if you aren’t used to rigorous activity, normally. 

Aim for at least 30 minutes of cardio or strength training and gradually work to build on this foundation. It couldn’t hurt to get with someone who is a little more well-versed in the fitness world, either. If you’re looking to join a gym, Surfside runs and operates a facility known as Saltwater Athletics. You can read more about this gym here.

Sober Living for Mental Health – Join Us at Surfside Structured Sober Living!

We are optimistic that you will commit to implementing these tasks into your daily life. Start gradually, and if you see the improvement in your mental health, continue to finetune these routines when necessary. To learn more about the daily tasks that our patients utilize in their lives, contact us now to better understand the process! 


February 2, 2022

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