Clinical Support

12-step immersion and ancillary clinical services are provided by Shorebreak Recovery in Somers Point, NJ.

man with clinical professional - addiction treatment in nj concept

We found this adds a level of clinical support that residents, families, and referring agencies appreciate while still providing ample time for our residents to build life skills, engage in meaningful activities and begin to enjoy life beyond the walls of an addiction treatment center.

We also feel comfortable partnering with other local treatment providers for this level of care if it’s a better fit. Our staff completes a thorough pre-admission and admissions assessment, which allows us to build out a comprehensive plan for each resident.

Building a

Personalized Plan

Because addiction can have significant physical consequences, our team of recovery specialists often work with residents to identify providers for ongoing medical concerns, physical therapy, dental work, chiropractic care and more. We’ve found residents have lingering medical issues that are exacerbated by use or largely ignored in active addiction – healing the entire person requires a course of action to address all of the mental & physical aspects of health.

Medical Care

Our staff completes a thorough pre-admission and admissions assessment, which allows us to build out a comprehensive plan for each resident. We will sometimes refer clients to more specialized private practice therapists in our local community to address complex trauma, attachment issues, and other mental health diagnoses. We work closely with the office of a local psychiatrist, who we feel provides outstanding care to men with substance use disorders and communicates effectively with our team.

Psychiatric Care

Many of our Surfside residents require ongoing psychiatric care. We’ve taken great strides to identify local providers with a deep understanding of Substance Use Disorder and a profound respect for the work we do at Surfside. Open lines of communication between Surfside and a prescriber allow both parties to provide better patient-centered care. Discussions about ongoing psychiatric care typically take place during our initial discussion with the family, or we may opt to integrate psychiatric services as we get to know our resident.


James Villa

A month ago

This is the perfect program for young men who are serious about getting sober, and turning their lives around. Getting into this program I knew that sobriety was the end goal, what I didn’t expect was the help I would receive addressing my other short comings as an adult. The staff is well rounded and help residents with resume building, budgeting, time management, to name a few – all while focusing on staying sober and accepting life on life’s terms. The executive director of the program, Dan Miranda, treats all residents fair and has the perfect temperament to run a serious structured sober living environment. The staff is made up of young men who have been in your shoes, and can show you what being sober and happy can look like. These guys provide support when you need to be propped up, and will guide you in the right direction when they see you straying from the path.What I didn’t know to expect from this program was a lifelong support from the staff and other residents. It’s hard to monetize what this network of other young men is worth, but has been vitally important to my sobriety. If you are a family member of someone who needs help, the family support groups, and overall support from the therapist, staff, and directors for families is top tier – and doesn’t stop once you “graduate”. If you are serious about wanting to turn your life around, and want to put in the hard work involved – do yourself a favor and at least give a call.

T. Woodfall

2 months ago

My son Joe had been to a dozen treatment centers, many of which promised me the world. He had been to so many he knew more about addiction and relapse then most counselors. Surfside gave Joe the opportunity to learn how to apply what he had learned and equate that to true Recovery and a life of real purpose. He also learned how to enjoy the things he loved before his addiction stole everything from him all over again such as Surfing, Hiking and music. He celebrated 4 years sober in September and I’ve had the gift of watching him become the man I always knew he could be. Through Joe receiving the structure, accountability and life long friends developed at Surfside I’ve gotten my family back. He’s become an amazing Son, Brother, Uncle and overall contribution to those whose lives he touches everyday. I highly recommend Ian and his whole crew.

Kim Harris

8 months ago

I was provided Ian’s name when my son was in crisis. Without knowing us or our son, Ian was so kind and guided us to the best help for our son. After attending a 30 day residential treatment program, our son participated in Surfside and it was truly an amazing and supportive program. Our son pushed back at Ian and his staff and they were firm with him which I believe really helped him in the long run. I cannot thank them enough for all of their knowledge and help. Our son is now more than three years sober and is a healthy, productive and happy person and we have Surfside to thank.

Kevin Loalbo

3 months ago

This is one of, if not the best, program on the east coast. Surfside has paved the way for many young men to find and maintain long term sobriety. Surfside provided me with everything necessary to lead a happy and healthy life.

Matt Bloomquvist

8 months ago

I have worked in the addiction treatment field for the last decade and have known Surfside’s Executive Director, Ian Koch, for just as long. It has been a great experience to watch Surfside grow in to what it is today. I have referred a number of people to Surfside including my own family and close contacts. I believe in what they do and the help they are offering men in recovery.

Gale Weinberg

8 months ago

My son started Surfside Recovery Services in the summer of 2020. Unfortunately, he was unable to maintain his sobriety and had to leave because the program has a zero tolerance policy. However, the program does not leave you abandoned and hopeless, as Ian Koch, the Executive DIrector, Dan Miranda, the Clinical Program Director, and the Case Manager for my son were all available to assist me as a parent and encourage continued sobriety for my son. Relapse is sometimes part of recovery.After a stay at a Detox Center and a Rehab facility, my son returned to Surfside Recovery Services in August 2021, where he participated in the Relapse Program. He graduated in March 2022, relocated to an Oxford House (which I never thought would happen), and he is working as a Behavioral Health Tech at a local Detox facility. He is self-supporting, attends an Outpatient Program offered through an affiliate of Surfside Recovery Services, and continues with Nick Geissler, LACD, an incredible recovery therapist/coach. At this point, I am grateful for the wonderful services and support that Surfside provided to my son, and the support provided to me (which includes a weekly parent support group via zoom). My son is still in early recovery, but he has been given the tools to remain sober. He has the continued support of the professionals at Surfside Recovery Services and a supportive sober community to make his continued sobriety more sustainable. I highly recommend Surfside Recovery Services as a program to help a son who has substance issues.

T. Woodfall

Jul 12, 2022

Fantastic program! I have made it 6 years so far as a result of completing the program years ago.