Men’s Extended Care Program

Surfside’s Men’s Extended Care Program was created in 2016, as a different type of extended care, due to a lack of services being provided to men recovering from addiction and alcoholism. Young people afflicted with addiction often fail to make or maintain standard age appropriate benchmarks that lead someone into a successful life. These individuals are emotionally disabled and lack the ability to navigate the real world. Typically they leave addiction treatment, try to find sustainable employment or start college again, and weeks later find themselves intoxicated and back at square one.

Surfside’s extended care provides a truly safe and structured sober living environment for these men as they move from addiction treatment through recovery into a new life. We are rooted in the 12 steps and use an array of tools and activities to help young men rebuild, rediscover and recover. We have 11 full time staff available at all hours to support our residents and help guide them into a new life with our new sober living programs.

How Our Men’s Extended Care Program Works

Once we determine admission eligibility and the resident arrives at Surfside they start in Phase 1 of our 4 Phase life development program. The resident begins to acclimate to our program and culture while beginning his phase work. As he progresses, he earns more freedom and the ability to move through the other phases. This process could take around 6 months and is building toward full independence. One of the most unique things Surfside’s extended care offers is the ability to move through the program at one’s own pace. Our day is broken up into 3 main portions. The morning: this is a time for phase development, community services and emotional growth.

sober living resident hiking - men's extended care program concept
group of hikers enjoying view - men's extended care program

The afternoon: during this period of the day residents are participating in multiple sports and activities, there are 1-2 options for residents each day. This promotes positive hobbies, good health and physical movement. The evening: this is the time for rest and relaxation. The guys eat a good meal, watch some TV and head to a 12-step meeting. Afterward, they wind down before going to bed.

We are trying to teach that hard work pays off and that you don’t get something just because you want it; this builds self esteem and gives each resident the dignity to take responsibility for himself and do what they say they are going to do. Abraham Lincoln said “Our actions must speak so loud people can not hear our words”, this is the principle in which our extended care sober living is built on.

other services

  • Camp Surfside

    Camp Surfside is our own men’s adventure park, situated on 11.5 acres. It’s home to Surfside’s paintball field and private campsite.

  • Clinical & Medical

    Surfside utilizes community partners to offer wraparound clinical and medical services, creating a fully integrated approach to addiction treatment.

  • Mount Surfside

    Nestled on a 10-acre property in Newfane, Vermont, our residents venture up once monthly to experience snowboarding, skiing, hiking, cliff-jumping, and a wealth of AA history.

  • Saltwater Athletics

    This is Surfside’s state-of-the-art CrossFit Gym & Fitness Center. A 6,500+ square foot facility offering residents the opportunity to train 6 days/week.