Young man stressed - drug and alcohol addiction among males concept

Should it come as a surprise that gender plays a key role in how addiction, treatment, and recovery are handled? NSDUH (The National Survey on Drug Use and Health) reported that men battle with substance abuse or dependency at rates about double those of their female counterparts. This is not to say that both genders should receive varying levels of attention, but for today’s topic of discussion, let’s discuss drug and alcohol addiction among males and how our men’s rehab program can lend a helping hand.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Among Males: a Comprehensive Overview

11.5% of men over the age of 12 were considered current, illicit drug users, based on the findings from this particular survey. In comparison, the margins were smaller for women, coming in at 7.3%. In addition to this, 57.1% of men abused or were heavily reliant on alcohol. Women and men abuse substances for a multitude of reasons, which could alter the optimal treatment method to address the abuses present. Men are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol when they are feeling good or to cope with social and behavioral issues. Conversely, women who abuse harmful substances do so in an attempt to self-medicate mental health or emotional issues. The presence of co-occurring mental disorders could also call for the need for a more specialized treatment model

Barriers To Treatment That Relate To Gender

Men and women will have many perceived and real barriers to treatment for addiction or substance abuse, and may not want to admit that their drinking or drug use is classified as an issue. Reports have shown that more than 95% of those needing treatment for a substance abuse or dependency who didn’t receive it, felt that they did not need it. Only about 10% of the 22.7 million people aged 12 and older who would have benefited from substance abuse or addiction treatment, received the services that they needed. 

Additional barriers that affect men include:

  • Men could be more prone to being referred to substance abuse treatment, if it’s done through the criminal justice system. 
  • Men could operate under the mindset of thinking they do not need treatment, often feeling that they can handle the situation on their own.
  • Male bravado or chauvinistic stances can get in the way of seeking behavioral health services or from admitting their faults to family and friends.

Types Of Treatment Available For Patients in A Men’s Rehab Program

Addiction treatment for men is highly individualized in nature, and there are some gender-specific considerations that could enhance recovery efforts. A majority of men feel that they have everything to lose when it comes to their employment or the negative perception of addiction treatment in the work space. As such, they may consider outpatient treatment, since it’s easy to schedule it around job and familial commitments.

Detox services are also helpful if the person has been using and abusing large amounts of drugs for extended periods of time. Medications may be a part of addiction or co-occurring mental illness treatment as well as behavioral methods. Group and individual therapy is also an integral component of outpatient and residential treatment models. A support group of similar peers enduring the same issues can be helpful in encouraging that kind of communication, which is a big pillar of strength in the recovery process.

Drug and Alcohol Addiction Among Males: Joining a Men’s Sober Living Program

Just as women have their own specific issues they face in addiction, drug and alcohol addiction among males is a pressing issue that requires specialized care from people who truly understand. After going through a standardized treatment program, the next step many men should consider is structured sober living. Surfside offers a men’s sober living program in NJ that is reputed for its excellent outcomes and emphasis on developing oneself both mentally AND physically. Fitness is a big part of our culture and we believe that exercise offers potent benefits to mental health which can help combat addiction.

Men who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction do not need to lead a life that is void of professional help and intervention. The team with Surfside Structured Sober Living has taken great pride in helping many of our patients climb the other side of the mountain. If you are interested in moving forward with our men’s sober living program, contact us today to get started!

July 14, 2022

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